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This is a photoblog of Uptown Minneapolis. Centered at Lake Street and Hennepin Avenue in South Minneapolis, Uptown is one truly unusual high energy commercial district. Below are some photos I’ve taken and some observations I’ve made about Uptown Minneapolis and the surrounding area.
I know you do the photo thing, but I tagged in my blog for a meme anyway.....that's how I roll.
Ok thats cool but I'm not going to ask 7 others to do the same. I'm not gonna make a post about it either that's just how I roll. Having said that, here's 7 things about me:
1) I just turned 28.
2) This is my favorite time of year, followed closely by Winter. I love snow.
3) Sometimes I'm tempted to leave this place. I'm not sure if I could ever really leave Mpls but if I did it would be for Denver of NYC. Denver because mountains are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and NY because it's an amazing city.
4) Someday I will own a dog. Probably a lab. I don't like cats.
5) I love politics. I can watch British Parliament for hours.
6) When I'm with my friends I like to play spades or shoot pool.
7) I've never taken a photography class, but I'm sure I will someday.
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