Back to Breck! Day 6 was also the day I started getting used to my camera. Photos are much better I think.

Photo stitch - 4 in 1...

I don't know those people. I just know they had more energy than me. Yes, I had the guts. Just not the power. So I took a photo instead.

So where the bunny hill at?

Black and White anyone?

See those skiers in the image below? That’s where I’m supposed to be. That’s where my friends were moments ago. I should be up there on the “freeway”, traversing to the next bowl over. Not down here in the ruff. “Must traverse” I told my self. Hearing the word (traverse) in my head made me even more weak.
Could this be altitude sickness? I was at 12,000 feet a couple days ago and it didn’t bother me then. So why now? Was I dehydrated? Was this backpack full of apples, granola bars, and sandwiches enough to slow me down. I’ve gone snowboarding in the mountains many times, but this was the first time it ever got to me.
Where was my head? It didn’t feel apart of me. I decided to rest and lie down for a while. The incline was so steep this meant just leaning a little bit and I was lying down. I wanted to take a nap but I knew that meant I was passing out. My freshly waxed snowboard would have sent me tumbling down the mountain at a dangerous speed. I couldn’t pass out. So there I was. Resting and breathing, breathing and resting. I Never went this high again the rest of the trip. Just couldn’t hang.

So what did I do? I took some more photos.

The wind was trying to make me leave but I didn’t seem to mind that much. My mind was elsewhere. Elsewhere taking pictures I guess.

Border and Border.

Yes, the Elph was on my side that day. Even though my head wasn't.
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