These are the last set of images I'll be posting from the
City of Lakes Loppet. The photos below are from the
Penn Ice-Cycle Loppet (a series of bike races on ice with studded tires). I photographed the final heat which took place in the lagoon between Lake Calhoun and Lake of the Isles. The race was a half hour long...

After a while I started shooting into the sun which made exposure challenging but I was able to catch the flying snow this way...

Same thing here but kind of blurry...

This one is blurry too but check out the size of the lens in the background...

A couple of the racers lost their position do to a flat tire. Poor guy...

You wouldn't know it by looking at these photos but there were a lot of spectators around enjoying the race. It seemed like a good turnout this year. Lots of fun.