The other vehicle involved spun this one around and onto its side. It all happened at 34th and Emerson Ave South (I could be off by a block or two)...

Everyone was okay...

Officer at the scene said, "This is what happens when people roll STOP signs"...

Action shot of SUV being flipped upright...

Impressive. Good to know that the people involved were all OK (except for shock, I would think).
that intersection and that whole street is terrible for vehicles and bicyclists alike. cars do not like to come to a complete stop there and bicyclists just don't stop period.
Wow, good to know everyone was okay. It definitely looks like a case where seatbelts came in handy.
Seatbeats = YES. Very handy here I'm sure!
Oops Seatbeats = Seatbelts :-)
Wow, nasty accident. They've got a post at this Los Angeles car accident attorneys website that has a similar situation. You should check it out.
Hey! This is cool! I am the driver righting the truck and cleaning up this accident! Small world!
Great shot of the SUV. It's a relief that no one was seriously hurt from this accident.
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