The Uptown Drink officially opened last Thursday, July 7th and I was there. Half price drinks at a new bar in Uptown will get me every time.
612.824.3333 • 1400 Lagoon Ave. Minneapolis, MN 5540?
The Uptown Drink seems to be different from the Downtown Drink in all the right ways. Here’s Five to get you started.
(1) There is a rooftop patio = bonus!
(2) Pool tables = nice! There is a MAJOR LACK OF POOL TABLES in Uptown. If the DT Drink has them I haven’t seen em, nor would I want to play at that location.
(3) Excellent service while I was there. The DT Drink has pretty good service but not Excellent.
(4) It wouldn’t be the Drink without loud music. There is a MAJOR LACK OF LOUD MUSIC in Uptown too. This Drink is loud but you can “get away” (patio) if you want to. This is nice if you have any real interest in hearing what members of the opposite sex are saying. The patio can be very handy.
(5) Bathrooms! Don’t want to spoil it but WOW did that catch me off guard.
Sorry, I don’t have any new photos of the place. But I did stop in the other day to grab a happy hour menu. Apparently they didn’t have one so the host wrote it down for me on a take out menu. I don’t know how accurate this is but here you go:

Speaking of Accuracy. Does anyone know the zip code for the Drink. I swear its 55408, not 02.

I’m probably wrong but this made me look closer for other mistakes in the menu.

I use a lot of slang and my grammar skills are weak. On top of that, I’m also a horrible speller. There are probably typos and grammatical errors running all though my blog but I think “tomatoe” is spelled “t-o-m-a-t-o”,“/” marks should have the same amount of space on both sides and periods should be consistent throughout any block of copy being mass produced.

This is only a small section of the menu. How many people looked this thing over before it went to press?
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