Ducklings recently hatched at the corner of Lake St and Holmes. My roommate stumbled upon the site and took some nice photos. It looks like some kind person built a make shift shelter for this mother of many eggs. It's hard to believe how close the eggs are to Lake Street. You can actually see Lake off to the right in the first photo and the white structure is the large Sons of Norway
Wells Fargo building. Apparently financial investors, bankers, and ducks alike believe Wells Fargo is a great location for a nest egg.

Later when my roommate informed me of this bazaar situation, I had to see it with my own eyes. Unfortunately by the time I arrived the ducks were all gone. All I saw was broken egg shells, feathers, lots of bird pooh and a sign. The sign read “All ducklings arrived safely at the lake”. It looks as though this brave mother successfully guarded her eggs until they hatched, then left for a better location. Good call mother duck.